Zuma's Rescue Ranch

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Help Zuma’s BAN Horse Slaughter in Colorado!


Zuma’s needs your help! We received this plea from the Home for Horses Coalition this morning, and immediately put everything aside to help our fellow equestrians, horse lovers, and of course, the horses themselves.

Are you aware of SB23-038: Prohibit Equine Slaughter For Human Consumption, a bill recently introduced in the Colorado legislature to ban the export of equines for slaughter? Did you know that you can help ban slaughter TODAY?!

Take the next 120 seconds to share your opinion online, or schedule to testify LIVE on Thursday at 1:30pm!

Please see the note below from Tessa Archibald, the manager at Homes for Horses Coalition.

Dear Friend,

I am reaching out in regards to SB23-038: Prohibit Equine Slaughter For Human Consumption, a bill recently introduced in the Colorado legislature to ban the export of equines for slaughter. You can read the full bill text here. This bill is scheduled to be heard in a hearing on Thursday, February 16th at 1:30 pm. It would be very impactful to hear from members of the Colorado rescue community on this issue. You can choose to testify live, or submit your thoughts through written testimony.

You can sign up to testify here.

In addition, attached to this email is a list of the committee members, the counties they represent, and their contact information. I encourage you to reach out to your local representative on this issue. Together, we can get horse slaughter banned in Colorado, a significant step for equine welfare.
Thank you so much for all that you do for equines,

Tessa ArchibaldManager, Homes for Horses Coalition